Sample Actions

Find free WIFI nearby using Yelp.

Quick currency conversions using Google. Example uses USD to RUB.

Open a URL from clipboard in 1Password without having to remove http://

Send cash via Square Cash.

Google tip calculator in Chrome.

Google tip calculator in Safari.

Tip calculator using Soulver.

Search in Chrome via and open the top result.

Find shared Launch Center Pro actions using Tweetbot.

Search Rdio.

Search Fantastical for upcoming Birthdays.

Create a reminder in Due to send a text message later.

Age calculator using Wolfram Alpha.

Take, categorize, and send a photo reciept to Drobox.

Find the nearest Chipotle using Apple Maps.

Add a new reminder using Fantastical.

Take a new photo, upload it to Dropbox, and save link to Fantastical as a reminder.

Pick an image from the Camera Roll, upload it to Dropbox, and save link to Fantastical as a reminder.

Displays a list to create an event, reminder, or open a search in Fantastical 2.

Open a user, tag, or launches a search in Pinswift.

Upload a photo to Dropbox, get the public URL, and share it with a system share sheet.

Open Myke’s 5by5 shownotes in Google Chrome.

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